Step 1) Initial consultation
Cost £200
Duration: Up to 60 mins
Type: Face-to-face
This may be with The Menopause Nurse, Ruth Crofford, or it may be with Dr Vivek Nama.
Ruth generally sees patients who are interested in Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, Dr Nama sees patients for traditional HRT.
However, they are both available to discuss both types of therapy.

What to expect:
As a new patient you will be given ample opportunity to discuss your symptoms and hormone experience.
We will look at your medical history and offer advice to help restore your hormone health.

Step 2) Diagnostic Tests
Cost from £295
Duration: 30 mins
Type: Face-to-face
We will inform you of which tests (if any) are necessary to continue.
As a general rule, Nurse Ruth will ask you to have a hormone profile blood test once a year if you are on BHRT (this is £295).
She may suggest you have further testing depending on your symptoms and progress.

*All BHRT patients are also required to have a menopausal ultrasound.
These generally cost around £125, we will advise you of where to go in your locality. We do not offer this service in-house.
Dr Nama may require these, but if your HRT prescription is straight forward, it will most likely not be necessary.

**Further tests may be necessary such as thyroid and food intolerance testing. The male hormone profile is charged at £315.

Step 3) Getting your Medication
Cost: Included in the initial consultation fee.
Duration: 20 mins
Type: Telephone or Face-to-face
We write up your prescription and send it to the compounding pharmacy or give you a private prescription to take to a pharmacy of your choice.

Step 4) On-going follow up at 12 weeks following your Prescription.
Cost £75
Duration: 30 mins
Type: Telephone or Face-to-face
A chance for you to relay the changes in your symptoms since starting your hormone therapy.

Any necessary prescription alterations will be made and you will be given a repeat prescription for the next 9 months (so long as all test results are satisfactory, and as practitioners we believe we are happy with your progress).

Other changes and services
£45 per call or written correspondence up to 15 minutes.
You may want to communicate with Nurse Ruth or Dr Nama outside of the scheduled appointments. Please note that this is chargeable communication.

We advise you to contact Specialist Pharmacy if you have queries about obtaining repeat medications.