
Polynucleotides: A generic look at products and protocols – Cost £325

Course price £ 325.00

Polynucleotides: A generic look at products and protocols.

An online course allowing you to inject without product bias.

This course includes a Dropbox link to training videos, product information, treatment protocols, patient information leaflets, a comparison of 16 available Polynucleotide products from five different manufacturers, and permanent membership to a private support group (hosted by the author to continue your professional development and knowledge in this area).

*Please note that we have been advised by our insurance company that if you have current dermal filler training insurance, you do not need to attend face to face training to be insured on this treatment.

This course is most adequate in preparing you for injecting polynucleotides.

Please refer to your individual insurance company if you are in any doubts about your own cover*

Course content:


•What are Polynucleotides?

•Biological effects of polynucleotides

•The key bio-stimulating effects of polynucleotides

•Where to utilise polynucleotides


•PN’s vs. Hyaluronic acid fillers: How are they different?

•Side effects



•Protocol Overview

•Acne Protocol

•Rosacea Protocol

•Peri-orbital Protocol

•Décolleté Protocol

•Face Protocol / Younger skin

•Face Protocol / Mature skin

•Neck Protocol

•Scar Protocol

•Notes for successful injecting

•Costs & what to charge


•Link to Dropbox

What qualifications do I need?

The following professionals are covered in our insurance to be trained:

Dental Hygienist/Therapist
Dental Nurse
Pharmacy Assistants

*Please supply your full name, professional body and associated professional identity number to buy this course, once you have paid you will be screened as a candidate and the course will be sent to you as a PDF.

Paying for the course:

Please pay in full for the course by clicking the button below. 

A course certificate will be issued with the completion of a 10-question multiple choice test we will email to you.

OR Please contact Ruth on to book