Take our Vitamin D assessment to see if you are deficient Name(Required) First Last PhoneEmail Select any that apply to you: 1 Do you omit eating fatty fish or fortified cereals, or dairy, on a regular basis? 2 Do you live far from the equator where sunlight is limited? E.g: in the United Kingdom? 3 Do you wear sunscreen continuously on exposed skin? 4 Do you use stay indoors for long periods of time? E.g: you work from home or your work limits you being outside in daylight hours. 5 Are you struggling to lose weight despite a healthy diet and exercise regime? 6 Do you suffer from low mood, anxiety or feel agitated or irritable frequently? 7 Do you feel emotionally lower in the winter months, or believe you may suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)? 8 Are you peri-menopausal (a female age 45 - 60)? 9 Are you often ill or sick with infections, such as coughs and colds or flu-like symptoms? 10 Do you suffer from joint pain in the knees or back? 11 Do you suffer from muscle cramps? 12 Have you any medical conditions or bowel surgery that may affect the absorption of vitamins in your stomach? 13 Are you over 65? 14 Are you obese? (Body mass index is greater than 30) 15 Do you have very highly melanated skin? (Are you dark skinned?) CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.